24 August 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—I wish to acknowledge the sad passing of Donald George Bagnell recently at the age of 89. Don was a stalwart of the Australian Labor Party, staunch unionist and lifetime member of my own branch, the East Maitland branch. Don generously volunteered for many years as the auditor of branch finances and every election day he would most often be found on the Tenambit polling booths supporting his beloved party. During the recent state election Don was no longer able to assist on the booths but was supporting me from the sidelines. Don and his beloved wife Doreen moved to Largs a few years ago and Don cared for Doreen until her sad passing earlier this year. Don was truly one of life's gentlemen. My sincere condolences go to Don's family. To Kim, Mark and Kylie and his adored grandchildren Lisa and Adam, Amy and Evan, Aaron and Hayley, Elena and James and great grandchildren Eli and Kaley. VALE Donald George Bagnell."