22 November 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—I would like to recognise Steve Schumacher for his tireless contribution to the well-being of the Maitland Community over the past 40 years. Steve grew up, raised his children and lived his life in the East Maitland area, working as a truck driver until his retirement. Having chaired the Maitland Region Suicide Prevention Network for 30 years, Steve has been dedicated in his aim to keep the Maitland community safe by increasing connections to services such as Lifeline and organising training and ancillary supports. Steve has also volunteered at the Maitland Hospital, he has run local coin clubs, led mental health support groups and been an active member of his church. Steve has been a role model to many and continues to lead local connections and support his community. Thank you Steve, for your huge contribution towards the well-being of Maitland