01 June 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Thank you to local school crossing supervisor Gillian Jones, who has been working at Rutherford Public School for three years. I joined Gillian and Principal Andrew Brown and representatives of Transport for NSW to greet students and parents and carers on Friday 19th of May – National Walk Safely to School Day. There are more than one million students travelling to and from school each day in NSW. Now in its 24th year, National Walk Safely to School Day is an annual nation-wide event by the Pedestrian Council of Australia where all primary school-aged children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. It is a community event promoting road safety, health, public transport and the environment. Teaching our children how to get to and from school safely is one of the most important things we can do. Hold your child's hand, choose safe places to cross the road and explain to your child why they are safe choices. With more than 1,400 Transport for NSW supervisors at over 1,170 crossings near 950 schools across New South Wales, these local heroes are helping our kids learn about the safest place to cross. Thank you!