Maitland RSL Sub-Branch

09 June 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON(Maitland): On 31 May I had the honour of attending the commemoration of the Boer War and Sandakan which was conducted by the Maitland RSL Sub-Branch.

I acknowledge the efforts of Mr Fred Goode, OAM, the President of Maitland RSL Sub-Branch, in his retelling of the Anglo-Boer War in which he paid tribute to the 606 Australian men and women who sadly passed away during battle, with special acknowledgement to the 13 soldiers who resided in our local area and who fought during the battle.

I extend further acknowledgement to Mr Peter Huber, who is a member of the Malaya Borneo Association, for his retelling of the endurance displayed by our soldiers during one of our darkest war periods, Sandakan. Both Mayor Loretta Baker and Lieutenant Lloyd Stanimirovic also offered words of welcome and prayer during the order of service, which further addressed the importance of these fallen soldiers and their gallantry.

Today I recognise the efforts of Mr Goode and the Maitland RSL Sub-Branch in organising the ceremony for our region.