20 September 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Congratulations to Maitland Christian School on their recent musical production of Aladdin Jr. For over 6 months Maitland Christian School have been planning and preparing their production of Aladdin Jr. It was an open cast, which meant that any student from Years 3 to 11 had the option to join the cast. This meant that the final production ended up with 150 enthusiastic children taking part. This massive production then required the whole community's support. Many local businesses partnered to supply items, including lots of carpets. We saw teachers and parents dedicating countless hours on sets and costumes, including the construction of a real-life magic "flying" carpet. Congratulations to the outstanding stars of the show, Harry Gadsby in Year 11 who played Aladdin, Amelia Newberry in Year 10 and Sophia Causley in Year 9 who shared the role of Jasmin, and Stevie McLuckie in Year 11 who played the Gennie. Stevie recently received an online shout out from the current Gennie of the Broadway production of Aladdin. A special mention also to director Triniti Pobiie, and all the production staff. A big thank you to Maitland Christian School for organising such a successful and collaborative community event.