30 May 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Congratulations to Lesley Machin on being nominated for the Local Woman of the Year Awards for Maitland. When Lesley moved to Lorn three years ago, she knew nobody locally. An avid reader she did a letterbox drop to see if any local women would be interested in forming a book club. To her surprise – it was like turning on a tap, a dozen Lorn residents quickly signed up. Following the first meeting, which, like all book clubs, ended up a much more social occasion than one analysing a book, COVID hit. The group however thrived and developed into a very strong community friendship group, many of the neighbouring members barely having known each other previously. With the help of the local library, the Lorn Ladies Book club continues to thrive. The book club spun off a walking and coffee group, a social gatherings with partners and neighbours, as well as organised trips away and to theatres and the occasional restaurant. Lesley's initiative has made a significant impact to the Lorn community in getting people connected and involved. She is worthy of recognition as a valued and valuable member of the Maitland Community.