01 June 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Congratulations to Katrina Sharman on being nominated in the Local Woman of the Year Awards for Maitland. Katrina has been working with Mai-Wel for more than 18 years, meaning she's been in embedded in our community for a long time. Starting as a volunteer, she completed work experience in the disability sector and had a passion and a desire to help people less fortunate than herself. From volunteer, to Disability Support Worker, to Lead Support Worker and now a Senior Manager, she is an inspiration to many women. Katrina leads a passionate team, which run a series of creative and purposeful programs; whether it is writing a book, becoming an artist or singer, recording a pod cast, participating in group sports or much more. Katrina has been working with people in our community and empowering those individuals to reach for the stars for many years. Katrina has worked tirelessly with her team to be able to support the Maitland community and people with disability in so many ways. Congratulations on your nomination Katrina.