Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Jessie Allen‑Berry has made a significant contribution to improving the quality of life and health outcomes for seniors in the Maitland area. Jessie runs a senior's exercise class at Tenambit Community Hall every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, where about 40 seniors attend her classes. Many of the seniors pay tribute to Jessie's classes saying they have had medical professionals surprised at how active they are and how they have avoided surgery, (hip, knee, shoulder) because her exercises keep them moving. One person has even said she would be in a wheelchair if not for Jessie's classes. Jessie will send a caring text or phone seniors in her class if they miss, to check they are ok. Regularly, through the lockdowns, she would send workouts by text messages encouraging her students to send her photos of them doing the exercises, to ensure they kept in contact and to check they were ok. Because of Jessie's classes many close friendships have formed and senior people who would be otherwise isolated have a social contact. Congratulations Jessie, you are a truly deserving nominee for the Local Woman of the Year award.