23 November 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—I would like to congratulate all who entered the recent Hunter Young Business Mind Awards 2023. Now in its sixth year, the awards recognise young people under the age of 25 who have an innovative business concept, product, service or solution. The Awards are a great way to reward creative and dedicated teachers, and inspire young people of the Hunter to innovate and solve the problems facing the world, big and small. Winners received $1000 in prize money and runners up $500.Congratulations to Rutherford Technology High School teacher Jade Bassett who won the Teacher Innovation award for her program Women in STEM. Whilst student Lotus Antoni won the Secondary & Under 25's Innovation in Business Enterprise award for her submission Dairy Way. Hunter Valley Grammar School students, Annika van Woerkom was awarded runner up in the Secondary & Under 25's Innovation in Social Enterprise award, for her submission Safe Seats, and Isabelle Donohoe won the Secondary & Under 25's Innovation in Sustainability award for her submission Aquarinse. Congratulations to all these students and teacher. It seems that Maitland's future is in safe hands with these students and their award winning teacher.