22 June 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads) — Holly Picton was a recent nominee in the Maitland Local Woman of the Year Awards. When times were tough in her local community Holly Picton stood up to support families. In the 2022 flood events in Gillieston Heights, where the community was isolated, for over a week, Holly reached out to families in the area via social media and generously gave away her business stock to local children, for free. She stayed up late and made enough play-dough for all the kids to enjoy whilst they were isolated. Holly is the first to respond when the local day care has emergency evacuations, she regularly attends the oval to help the kids and school by setting up a marquee for the children so they don't get sun burnt or be impacted by weather, as well as supplying toys for the children to keep them occupied during times of incidents. Holly is most worthy of recognition as a valued and valuable member of the Gillieston Heights Community. Congratulations Holly, you truly epitomise what community spirit is all about.