13 September 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—East Maitland's Elizabeth Reid has recently completed her Bachelor of Arts Honours thesis at the University of Newcastle. These research efforts have added to the recording of the rich history of Maitland. Elizabeth's thesis is titled "Questions of Life and Death: How Religion Served the Maitland Community Throughout the First World War". It looks at how religion in the city of Maitland impacted it's citizens on the home front, on the battle field and in post war ceremonies. Elizabeth identified a gap in research on the impact of the first world war on rural communities. To bridge this gap, Elizabeth documented how communities that had previously been divided along religious lines came together. She also recorded how religion supported the communities as they were impacted by the realities of war. Elizabeth relied extensively on the State Library, Maitland Library, the historical editions of the Maitland Mercury and various churches and memorials in Maitland as sources of information for her thesis. She will officially publish her work and findings within the next 6 months. Thank you Elizabeth for your dedication, and for adding to our understanding of Maitland's history.