19 September 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Landcare does such important work for the environment around our country and our communities. I would like to recognise particularly the results being achieved at Earthcare Park near Tenambit. Earthcare Park was established on 50 hectares of Crown land and encompasses the Tenambit wetlands. Through carrying out mass tree plantings, setting up a bushfood garden and establishing walking trails, members have transformed what was a degraded space into a wildlife haven. The land, which was once heavily cleared and used as a dairy farm, rifle range and stock holding area, has been regenerated. The site went from having very few trees to now having more than 60,000 trees, shrubs and grasses. In just the past 10 years, it has gone from being home to 37 bird species, to now boasting 120, and it has been recognised as a Hunter River long-necked turtle hotspot. A recent planting day put in hundreds of plants before lunch. The plants included native guava, sarsaparilla, wombat berry, bottle brush and native grape, all which are indigenous to Maitland. Thank you, Earthcare Park Landcare Group, for your dedication and hard work.