Community Recognition Statement - Tribute to Jim Gardiner

17 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland) (15:36): Jim Gardiner was someone with a huge heart who gave the Labor Party everything he had in a short time. I knocked on his door in early February 2015, just before the State election. He had voted for the Liberals in 2011 over the truncation of the Newcastle rail line, but after the Liberal Party decided it would cut it anyway, and as a 68-year-old retired train driver, he wanted a Labor sign in his front yard. Soon enough, Jim was doorknocking Morpeth with me. They were hot, tiring days but we went together and he would not stop. "We have got to tell everyone to vote Labor, Jenny," he would say. He did pre‑poll and on polling day he handed out all day. He ended up joining the Labor Party. He was so proud when his wife Luz gained Australian citizenship and could vote Labor for the first time. Every so often Jim would come to a meeting, but in June 2018 he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis, which meant he was on oxygen. Sadly, Jim passed away in late 2021. Jim will long be remembered by everyone in Maitland for his passion and commitment to social justice and Labor values. Vale, Jim.