Community Recognition Statement - Ovrian Cancer Awareness Month

23 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland) (17:00): I bring to the attention of the House that this month is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. Ovarian cancer is an insidious disease and something that many women catch when it is too late for something to be done to save their lives. We have seen terrible situations where very young women have suffered and succumbed to this disease. The point of this month is to raise awareness and we, as parliamentarians, have to do everything within our power to tell women to report any sort of gynaecological issues to their doctors as soon as possible to ensure that they have the best opportunity for early treatment. I congratulate all the researchers who are working in this space. It is an important area of women's health and one where we can do so much more with more funding and more support from government.