Community Recognition Statement - Maitland Business Chamber

23 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I congratulate Maitland Business Chamber President Shane Hamilton, Vice President Michael Maffey, Treasurer Louise Lennox and Committee Members Iain MacDonald, Andrew Vile, Helen Oswald, Andrew Mason, Melissa King, Melanie Bird, Jonathon Poynter, Victor Prasad and Executive Assistant and Member Liaison Officer Kate Meyn Shrimpton on their announcement as finalists in the 27th Hunter Region Business Excellence Awards. The Awards are one of our region's longest-running awards and are one of the Hunter's premier business excellence awards. For nearly seventy years, the Chamber has created a positive and supportive environment for business and commerce in Maitland. They lobby for and provide support to member organisations, facilitate networking and broaden connections, promote the City of Maitland and our region, and encourage member organisations to grow and prosper. The Chamber proudly state that "Maitland, is the "Can Do City", and they certainly are the "Can Do Chamber". I thank Shane and his team for their single minded promotion of our City, and their endeavours to support businesses and the development of our local economy. I wish them the best of luck in the upcoming awards.