Community Recognition Statement - End Youth Suicide Week

17 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland) (15:22): This week is End Youth Suicide Week. We know one in four young people experience mental health issues. Evidence shows that half of mental health disorders emerge by the age of 14, with 75 per cent emerging by the age of 24. Sadly, nine people die of suicide each day—and this number is growing. Youth Insearch is an organisation that has been operating for 37 years to try to address this issue. The national End Youth Suicide Week calls on us to defy the stigma of suicide by talking openly about suicide with friends, families and communities in order to normalise the conversation and support our young people. A special shout-out has to go to Headspace in Maitland, the Maitland Region Suicide Prevention Network, Lifeline and all our mental health service providers for the work they do to address this issue in our community. I thank the House.