Community Recognition Statement - Clean Up Australia Day

24 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland) (15:16): On Sunday 6 March 2022, over a million Australians will participate in Clean Up Australia Day. This incredible movement, started by the late Ian Kiernan, AO, has become the nation's largest community-based environmental event. This event is one I have been supporting since before I was elected to this place. Each year, I join with volunteers and local councillors at the corner of South Seas Drive and the New England Highway at Ashtonfield to do some cleaning. I am pleased to report to the House that each year the amount of rubbish that we have to collect from this area is reducing, as people are becoming more aware of the issue of illegal dumping. This year I am really excited to again be joined by West Maitland Centennial Lions Club in cleaning up Australia and particularly Ashtonfield, and I am very hopeful that we will have many other volunteers join the Lions club and me on the day to help with this process. I urge everyone to jump online and find a Clean Up Australia site near them. If we all take small steps to clean up our environment, we will make an enormous difference, because, after all, many hands make light work.