Community Recognition Notices - The Hunter Community Legal Centre Grant

26 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—The pandemic and the continuing population growth in Maitland and surrounding regions has impacted on our community focused services by greatly increasing demand across the board. The Hunter Community Legal Centre in Maitland want to better address both this increased demand and also improve access to their free legal advice services. Today I congratulate them on their success in being award a grant within the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. This grant of $8,011 will fund the purchase of a telepresence robot for use by the Centre to better support flexibility of service delivery and increase overall capacity. I commend the team at the Hunter Community Legal Centre for the ongoing professionalism and community focused work that support our citizens through many kinds of legal matters and associated life changes. This grant will allow for even more people to benefit from their much appreciated efforts.