Community Recognition Notice - Zara Rushford

17 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Zara Rushford is 11 years old and started year 6 at St Aloysius Catholic Primary School this year. Zara is also currently fundraising for the Starlight Foundation by completing the Starlight Super Swim. The Starlight Super Swim is held across February each year, and aims to raise funds and awareness for the Starlight Foundation. In 2021, at age 10, Zara swam 29kms in 28 days, and raised an impressive $2,020 for this excellent cause. This year Zara is aiming to swim 32kms in 28 days. That equates to 46 laps per day – a mammoth effort in my book: a mammoth effort for the benefit of others. Zara has set a target to raise $2,500 in 2022. The Starlight Foundation works to bring fun, joy and laughter to sick kids who are facing the challenges of serious illness. They help kids of all ages, with injury, disability, or illness, because they believe happiness matters to the health of those kids. Many of us here today will know children and families who have benefitted from the selfless work of the Starlight Foundation and its family of volunteers. Outstanding community minded people just like Zara Rushford. Swim on Zara!