Community Recognition Notice - The Country Women of Maitland

18 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Just like many communities across New South Wales, Maitland is home to an amazing league of Country Women that belong to the Country Women's Association [CWA] of New South Wales. Recently, I was invited to attend the Maitland Branch of the CWA for morning tea and their 2021 Annual General Meeting. I enjoyed hearing what they had achieved over the last 12 months despite the interruptions of COVID. I was also very pleased to advise the branch of their recent success in the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. Maitland CWA President, Barbara Heckman said she was 'over the moon' when told of the branch's success. The Maitland CWA will receive $19,600 to build a storage cupboard, renovate the men's toilet, install a new kitchen in the caretakers flat and provide repairs to the rear awning. I hope the next 12 months see a lot more of their plans for the Maitland community come to fruition. Particularly some of the volunteer run projects they have in mind for the New Maitland Hospital. And as always the scones, jam and cream were delightful.