Community Recognition Notice - The Anglican Parish, Telerah and Rutherford

11 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I commend the work and dedication of the Parishioners of the Anglican Parish, Telarah and Rutherford. During the recent COVID lockdown period the Parish continued to provide support and much needed assistance to those in need, adopting approaches which ensured they and their community would remain safe from COVID-19. Every Tuesday and Wednesday between 2pm and 3pm they held a contactless Food Hamper drive-thru at St Christopher's Church in Rutherford. They also provided contactless home delivery services to vulnerable people in the Telarah and Rutherford communities who were unable to attend the food hamper drive-thru in person. This included mums with young children, the elderly, people living in social housing and people who were unwell. The Parish's Community Garden, attributed greatly to being able to offer this service, providing the hampers with an abundance of healthy fresh fruit and vegetables. Parishioners play an important role in our communities, their humility and altruistic approach to helping those in need is truly admirable. I commend them for their commitment to their faith and service to others above self.