Community Recognition Notice - Stacy Jacobs LWOTY Nominee

24 March 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Stacy Jacobs shares the valuable company of several women of Maitland as a nominee in the Local Woman of The Year Award. Stacy has stated that she loves living in Maitland and appreciates all of the opportunities it has given her to grow. She is a member of the Rotary Club of East Maitland, President of Cessnock PCYC Committee, President of Cessnock Family Support Service, Secretary of Cessnock Chamber of Commerce and Volunteer Driving Supervisor for Cessnock Driving Success. Stacy has spoken at a number of international conference events over the years. Stacy is currently a Student Support Officer at Cessnock High School and she has held that role for the last 10 years. During that time she has also been involved in the development and support of other Student Support Officers across NSW in her capacity as a SSO Buddy. Stacy is also the primary carer for her mother. I appreciate Stacy's willingness to get involved and contribute to our community. I congratulate her on her nomination and the recognition of her contributions and efforts that it represents.