Community Recognition Notice - Social Inclusion Week

23 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Social Inclusion Week spans from the 20th to the 28th of November. This week focuses on engaging individual and communities to build connections that are inclusive of all abilities, age groups, cultures and outlooks. As we move through the pandemic we may also be focusing on rebuilding connections that have changed form and purpose as we dealt with several challenges that shifted how we connected with others. The theme of Social Inclusion Week 2021 is Connect, Collaborate and Celebrate! I strongly encourage the people of Maitland to consider how they might engage with this week and this theme: Perhaps a coffee with an elderly neighbour; a working bee to revitalise the garden at the pre-school; a phone call to someone to check how they are travelling. Our actions to connect don't have to be grandiose or in huge groups, just authentic and open. Some groups within our community who can often feel excluded are young people, jobless families with children, people with a disability or mental illness, those who are homeless, the elderly and Indigenous Australians. I encourage Maitlanders to engage as they are able as we are, indeed, all in this together.