Community Recognition Notice - NSW Rural Doctors Network, Rural Positive Month

17 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—November is NSW Rural Doctors Network, Rural Positive Month. The aim of Rural Positive month is to bring everyone together to acknowledge and celebrate the great work our rural health workforce is doing and their positive contributions to communities. It is also about helping to keep our rural health professionals strong, well and capable and to let them know how much we value and appreciate them. The NSW Rural Doctors Network has existed in our state for 30 years, working to provide solutions to support the multidisciplinary rural health workforce. Seeking to support better health and wellbeing for people living in remote, rural, regional, Aboriginal and disadvantaged communities. I commend the work of the NSW Rural Doctors Network in highlighting the work of our Rural Health Practitioners and Professionals through Rural Positive Month. This Rural Positive month I would like to say thank you all Rural Health Practitioners and Professionals. I appreciate all the dedication and strength that you bring to providing and ensuring health care is available in our rural communities across New South Wales.