Community Recognition Notice - MRAG Sky Whales

16 February 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—On January 15th Maitland received a surreal visitation from on high. Very high actually. That morning Skywhale, Skywhalepapa and their offspring floated across the Maitland skies lit by the rising sun, sparking our imaginations and prompting our conversations. Skywhales: Every heart sings is a National Gallery Touring Event, and we thank the Maitland Regional Art Gallery for their part in bringing this singular experience to life in our city. Creator Patricia Piccinini's Skywhale and Skywhalepapa are hand sewn sculptures in the form of massive hot-air balloons. Piccinini said while the original Skywhale had been inspired by the wonder of nature, the new addition of Skywhalepapa reflected the importance of nurture as the new work also depicts their nine babies protected under the mammoth fins. This represents a strong masculine figure nurturing his children and supports the ideas that caring is not gendered. I can only imagine the range and depth of conversations that this vision generated for those fortunate to be part of this experience. I commend the Maitland Regional Art Gallery for their efforts to bring this event, and these works, to our city to encourage us to think outside of our usual boundaries.