Community Recognition Notice - Maitland RSL Sub-Branch Certificates of Appreciation

12 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—On Remembrance Day, Thursday, November 11th, two members of the Maitland RSL Sub-Branch had their long service recognised at an awards luncheon. Brian Boughton (CSC, OAM), President of the Hunter Valley District Council of RSLs, presented Graham Solomons and Henry Meskauskas with certificates of appreciation from RSL National. Mr Graham Solomons received a certificate of appreciation for his many years of contributions to the RSL. Mr Solomons is vice president of Maitland RSL Sub‑Branch, and prior to this was president of the Zone 6 RSL Bowls team. A supporting certificate of appreciation was awarded to his wife, Maree, to recognise her contributions. Mr Henry Meskauskas, who is Deputy Mayor of Maitland, also received his award to recognise his service as secretary of Maitland RSL Sub‑Branch and now as honorary treasurer. Mr Meskauskas' wife, Carolina, was awarded a supporting certificate of appreciation to recognise her contributions. I add my congratulations for these four recipients, along with my personal appreciation for the many ways they have supported both the Maitland RSL Sub-Branch and the Maitland community over many years.