Community Recognition Notice - Maitland Relay for Life Set to Return in 2022

11 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I am so pleased to hear that the Maitland Relay For Life, a Cancer Council community led fundraising event will be returning on 2 April 2022. Relay For Life brings together communities to celebrate cancer survivors, remember loved ones lost and fight back against cancer, raising much needed funds in the process. The Cancer Council's Community Relations Coordinator Jemma Pedri is working hard to ensure the event's return. This is an event which brings our entire community together. Sadly, too many people in our communities are diagnosed with Cancer every day, and its emotional and financial impacts are suffered by them, their families and friends. Once again my team will be participating in the event and I hope everyone in Maitland is able to join in to help fight back against cancer and raise vital funds for Cancer Council's research, prevention, and support services in our local community.