Community Recognition Notice - Maitland Park Bowling and Sporting Complex Grant

26 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Today I congratulate the Maitland Park Bowling and Sporting Complex who were successful in gaining a grant within the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. This not-for-profit club was created in 1902, and for well over a century it has supported countless sporting teams, churches, schools and charities. The Club is the only remaining Club in the Maitland CBD. The Club was awarded a grant of $15,743 to fully fund the purchase of a new variable speed Bowling Green mower to replace an older unreliable one. The grant will also fully fund the replacement of the fridge/freezer in the bistro with a more energy efficient model. These resources will allow the Club to improve the amenity for members and guests, as well as the many community organisations that utilise their spaces. I commend the members and the Board of the Maitland Park Bowling and Sporting Complex for the impressive longevity of their service, and their ongoing support of other local organisations, and the people of Maitland.