Community Recognition Notice - Maitland Guides and Scouts Grants

25 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—The youth of Maitland, and our entire community, benefit greatly from the efforts and services provided by associations focused on the holistic growth and development of our young citizens. I am overjoyed to congratulate two associations that were recently awarded grants under the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. The Maitland Guides will receive a grant of $17,518 to fund the rewiring of their Maitland-Rutherford Guide Hall. The Scout Association of Australia, NSW Branch, has been granted $34,839 to fund roof and plumbing repairs, hall and bathroom upgrades, and a den extension for their Maitland halls. I commend both associations for their ongoing valuable work with and for the youth of Maitland. I congratulate them on the awarding of these grants that will go some way to improve their facilities and support the programs they deliver.