Community Recognition Notice - Maitland Gilbert and Sullivan and Musical Society Grant

25 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—To quote Stephen Sondheim "Curtain up, light the lights, we got nothing to hit but the heights". And the house lights will indeed be lit as the Maitland Gilbert and Sullivan and Musical Society have just been awarded a grant in the recent 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. The Society were awarded $11,400 to support their Sound and Lighting Project. The Society believes than beyond entertaining an audience, theatre and the arts have the power to encourage people to venture outside of themselves and create new works, new music and new experiences. They are passionate about supporting their members towards succeeding in achieving all that they are capable of doing. I commend the Society on its ongoing contributions to Maitland's cultural landscape. Music and theatre enrich the lives of the performers and the audience beyond measure. I congratulate the Maitland Gilbert and Sullivan Musical Society on receiving this grant to support their work. I encourage people to attend and support upcoming programming, and to consider treading the boards as future members of the society.