Community Recognition Notice - Maitland Community Men's Shed Grant

19 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Today I congratulate the Maitland Community Men's Shed who were recently awarded a grant under the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. The Shed received $15,506 for their Outdoor Community Area Upgrade. These funds will allow the group to replace the existing shade cover and other items to increase both the functionality of the space, and the overall amenity to encourage social connections between members. There are now over 1000 Men's Sheds across our country, and Sheds function across the globe from Ireland to Kenya. The Maitland Men's Shed is situated in East Maitland and has grown since its inception in 2007, with the current facility officially opening on 7 May 2010. The Shed was created to provide a place for retired men of Maitland to continue to use their skills while in companionship with other men, for the benefit of our community. This community also focuses on advancing the health and wellbeing of members. The Shed is also accessible by young men within our community as part of valuable mentoring programs. I commend the community outreach and valuable work of the Maitland Community Men's Shed and congratulate them on the awarding of this grant.