Community Recognition Notice - Lucinda Shilcock

12 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I rise to commend and congratulate Lucinda Shilcock of Ashtonfield on her tenacity and commitment to uncovering her own path towards her dream career as an Electrotechnology Electrician. Ms Shilcock received a diagnosis of dyslexia when she was in year four and this aspect of her life grew to be a motivator in pursuing her goals. Growing up on a small property she knew that she wanted to pursue a trade. She made a decision to pursue a career focused on electrotechnology. That focus has produced very positive outcomes. Ms Shilcock's talent was recognised and she was awarded the Bert Evans Apprentice Scholarship valued at $15,000. Lucinda reminds us there are several pathways besides the Higher School Certificate towards a successful and rewarding career. In Lucinda's own words "You can achieve great things, you've just got to put your mind to it. It's going to come with its challenges, but you've got to unlock your brain and think and do things in a way that works for you." On November 16th Ms Shilcock will sit her final exam in her Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician. I wish her the very best with those exams and her future career.