Community Recognition Notice - Kerrie Duffey LWOTYA Nominee

23 March 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Our sense of community only exists due to the concerted efforts of individuals. Kerrie is a mother of four and has eight grandchildren. Kerrie has been a volunteer for her local Church, St Christopher's Rutherford, for over 20 years and maintains a passion for assisting those in need. Kerrie's current role is Parish Councillor and Welfare Coordinator. In particular, Kerrie is committed to providing a hand up to the marginalized, the homeless and indeed all who are seeking assistance. Kerrie is involved with the Samaritans Drop In Centre every Tuesday at St Christopher's, where help is available to those in need of food, financial counselling, haircuts or just to be able to spend some time in the vegetable garden. Kerrie believes that everyone should have access to help when they need it, and the fruit of that help will be more individuals feeling resourced and able to give of themselves to our community. I thank Kerrie for her years of community focused effort and congratulate her upon her nomination in the Local Woman of The Year Award as a recognition of her contributions.