Community Recognition Notice - Hunter New England Health District Award

19 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Today I congratulate the COVID 19 Response Team within the Hunter New England Local Health District upon receiving the President's Award at the recent 2021 Hunter Business Awards. The President of Business Hunter, Mr Tony Rhodes, has stated that 2021 was a year to acknowledge community organisations and the impact that their work has upon local businesses. This President's Award is in recognition of the vital work that the COVID 19 Response Team perform each and every day during this pandemic. I join with Business Hunter in congratulating the COVID 19 Response Team on this recognition of their tireless work for all sectors of our community. I also wish to take this opportunity to thank Liz Grist, Lauren Cruz and the many other hard working staff of the COVID 19 Response Team, and the staff of Hunter New England Health in general, for their endless intensive efforts, their generous help and constant support for the people of Maitland during the course of this pandemic.