Community Recognition Notice - Health Transport Vehicle Grants

24 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—A critical determinate of health outcomes is the availability of transport. Transport for treatment and procedures, emergency transport and transport to places for ongoing residential care. In Maitland we currently suffer from a poverty of appropriate health care focused transport. Therefore it is with great happiness that today I congratulate two services that were recently awarded grants under the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. Awabakal Ltd were granted $48,978 for a vehicle to support their Health Care in the Home service. St. John Ambulance were granted $45, 270 for a new vehicle to help better deliver their services. These funds will help improve health service access for our community members and I congratulate both organisations for their success in attaining these grants, and I thank them for their ongoing provision of excellent services in support of the people of Maitland.