Community Recognition Notice - CWA Maitland Branch Grant

24 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I congratulate the Maitland Branch of the Country Women's Association of NSW who were recently awarded a grant under the 2021 Community Building Partnership Program. The CWA received $19,600. These funds will allow the group to renovate and repair their Hall, adding to the overall amenity for members, their guests and community users. Maitland Branch of the CWA was founded some 92 years ago in 1929. Historically the CWA meeting halls provided country women and children with safe and comfortable hours of rest when in town. The Association's aim was to improve conditions for local women and children and to advocate for their rights. The advocacy is still at the forefront of their endeavours. The CWA Maitland Branch continue to make a difference; they support medical research, provide emergency funding and service spaces during natural disasters; and at conference put forward motions for referral to government. I commend the community outreach and valuable work of the Maitland Branch of the CWA and congratulate them on the awarding of this grant. I encourage women in Maitland to investigate membership of our local branch as ways of influencing our nation's affairs, socialising with others and assisting the community.