Community Recognition Notice - Blade Mate Lawn Care

22 March 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Blade Mate Lawn Care is a family owned business run by two Australian Army veterans and is located in Thornton. Blade Mate Sean has gained some notoriety as the 'lawn mowing YouTuber'. Blade Mate boast over 87 600 subscribers and total views of just under 16 000 000 of their collection of 108 videos. This was all achieved in just over 16 months of posting. I want to acknowledge Blade Mate not only for starting their venture and moving it forward, but for the contributions they make to our community. One of the Blade Mates, Sean Duncan, promotes a personal value of contributing: that if you see something that needs doing, and you have the ability to do it, then step up and offer to lend a hand. Walking the talk, Blade Mate Lawn Care undertake pro-bono yard clean-ups for those in need but without the resources as part of their ethos of giving where you are able and giving to your community. I congratulate Blade Mate Lawn Care for their tenacity, their successful embracing of new media, and their community spirit.