Community Recognition Notice - Biggest Morning Tea

11 August 2022

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended my Biggest Morning Tea function, as well as those who made a generous donation, to support the annual NSW Cancer Council event. Together, we raised in excess of $1,700, which was a fantastic effort. A special shout out must also go to Chris and Zac from Abacus Café & Conference Centre, in Thornton, for their delicious morning tea, which included numerous scrumptious mini cupcakes, cookies and much more. We even held a raffle, which was well‑received on the day. I am a staunch advocate for the Cancer Council and am always supportive of their annual Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, which raises vital funds. The NSW Cancer Council, particularly the Newcastle Hunter branch who work so hard to make a huge difference for people impacted by cancer. They offer hope, advocacy, practical support and research funding to people who are suffering from cancer, and their families.