Community Recognition Notice - Ausmusic T-Shirt Day

18 November 2021

Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland)—Today I will join with my Parliamentary colleagues to celebrate Ausmusic T-Shirt Day. Ausmusic T-Shirt Day is a nation-wide celebration of Australian music that reminds us how lucky we are to have such a strong local music scene, with many highly talented and successful artists across all genres of music. This day is used to raise money for Support Act, a charity helping artists and music workers who are facing hardship due to illness, injury or some other crisis that impacts on their ability to work in music. COVID-19 tore at the heart of many creative industries, perhaps none more so than the live music industry. For such a very long time there were no places to perform, no audiences to interact with, no shared moments in the beauty of the music, and no income or livelihood for the artists, music workers and venues. I encourage Maitlanders to join me in celebrating and supporting the re-emergence of our local music industry on Ausmusic T-shirt Day and throughout the coming months.