21 September 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—I wish to acknowledge Charlotte Wilks for her strength, perseverance, and determination in overcoming personal challenges over the last few years. In June 2021, after months of suffering from an undiagnosed illness Charlotte, 16 at the time, was found passed out in her room, paralysed. Charlotte was admitted to the local emergency department and a neurologist later diagnosed Functional Neurological Disorder, which is also known as FND. FND is a disabling and highly distressing neurological disorder which effects the functioning of the nervous system and how the brain and body sends and receives signals. Since being diagnosed Charlotte has had a long hard road to recover both mentally and emotionally. Charlotte's physical recovery has also involved retraining her brain to enable her to walk. Charlotte has this month graduated high school and is preparing to undertake this year's HSC exams. Charlotte has become an avid advocate for FND awareness by sharing her story and advocating for research. I wish to congratulate and recognise Charlotte for graduating from high school throughout these challenges and advocating for FND awareness.