25 May 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Candice King was a recent nominee in the Local Woman of the Year Awards for the Maitland area. After the stillbirth of her first born son, Clyde, in December of 2021, Candice set herself a mission to help other women and families who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. She became a voice for many women too scared or nervous to speak up about the loss of their children. As her photography business has a huge following, she decided to use it as a platform to help families and get these unspoken voices out there. Candice created the Angel Families project where she brought together families who have experienced loss, and photographed them in a group shoot to honour all our children. She then shared the individual stories with the world, along with their photos. She also set up a local support group for families affected by losses such as these, after realising there was a lack of local specific support for this large community of families. Candice should be incredibly proud of the work she is doing in memory of her beautiful son Clyde.