14 September 2023


Ms JENNY AITCHISON (Maitland—Minister for Regional Transport and Roads)—Bronwyn Chamberlain, a Lawyer at Bennett Law in Maitland, is passionate about helping individuals who are caught up in our court system. Many of the people Bronwyn supports are struggling with intergenerational poverty, are routinely welfare dependent, have experienced domestic violence, and may have mental health, drug or alcohol issues. Bronwyn is passionate about assisting those in our community who most need support during the court process. As an office manager for Legal Aid Newcastle for 20 years, Bronwyn learned what skills and resources were needed to provide the most assistance. Bronwyn then completed her law degree at the age of 55 with the single intention to help those who are slipping through the gaps. In her pro bono work Bronwyn assists with sourcing psychiatric reports, offers training for community service workers on court processes, conducts legal seminars, provides advocacy support and pre-sentence intervention. I acknowledge Bronwyn for her drive and commitment to enable meaningful change for so many in our community.