Media Release - Urgent upgrade needed for Testers Hollow

10 February 2016

Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison, today hosted Shadow Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, Jodi McKay, on a visit to a number of sites across Maitland that have been neglected by the Baird Liberal Government over the last 5 years.

Of particular concern was Testers Hollow, which, for the second time in 9 months has been cut by flood water, causing significant delays for motorists and increasing congestion on Maitland’s roads.

“This problem must be fixed urgently. We can’t have road infrastructure that is regularly inundated causing social isolation.”

“During the construction of the Hunter Expressway, the Government set aside $31 million to improve access roads to the dual carriageway, however, Testers Hollow was placed in the ‘too hard basket’” said Ms Aitchison.

Despite the population rapidly increasing, Maitland seems to be forgotten by the Sydney-centric Baird Liberal Government.

“Many residents have already signed a petition supporting the raising of the road at Testers Hollow and I will be presenting this in the next session of the NSW Parliament” said Ms Aitchison.

“Maitland is one of the fastest growing areas in NSW and it is essential our community receives its fair share of roads and infrastructure funding”.

“Labor has a strong record of investing significant dollars on Maitland’s roads at both the State and Federal level, particularly during the construction of the Hunter Expressway and the Third Hunter River Crossing at East Maitland”.

“It’s time the Baird Liberal Government acted to use the allocated dollars to upgrade the connecting roads to ensure commuters can access Maitland from the Expressway” said Ms Aitchison.