Media release - Safety testing tech soars to the next level at Cudal site

Media release - Safety testing tech soars to the next level at Cudal site  Main Image

26 June 2023





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Cutting-edge motorcycle detection testing technology has been introduced at Transport for NSW's vehicle testing and research centre to help make our roads safer for both drivers and motorcyclists across the state.

The newest and most advanced testing technology is aimed at preventing motorcycle collisions and has been rolled out alongside the completion of a new 400 metre intersection at the Future Mobility Testing and Research Centre (FMTRC) in Cudal.

The new technology can assess how well a car detects and avoids collisions with motorcyclists.

In NSW, motorcycle registrations have jumped by 20 per cent to nearly 280,000 in the last five years, and tragically, on average, 58 motorcyclists are killed and almost 1000 seriously injured on NSW roads every year.

The NSW Government’s expansion of its testing capabilities and on-site expertise in Cudal is critical to the work of Australasia’s independent vehicle safety testing organisation, ANCAP. 

The world-class site is helping the automotive industry and developers realise the next generation of safety enhancements that will benefit all road users.

The new crossroad intersects the existing 1.6 kilometre runway at the former Hazelton airport site. The $1.2 million intersection was constructed by TfNSW teams from across the Central West, along with a contractor’s local crews.

To date the Cudal site has delivered more than 80 test and research programs.

Other recent upgrades to the FMTRC include the installation of EV charging facilities, refurbishment of the existing house with fit-for-purpose office spaces for testing teams, and an upgrade to 5G connectivity across the site to facilitate advanced vehicle testing.

Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Jenny Aitchison said:

“This new technology upgrade will allow ANCAP to advance to the latest, most sophisticated set of criteria for its vehicle safety ratings in NSW, and cements this facility as a world-class autonomous technology testing site.

"The safety testing carried out at this site benefits all road users from families to freight operators, and importantly keeps jobs and knowledge in Australia.

“By developing testing technology and talent in-house we help ensure investment into regional NSW stays in the regions and encourage more international businesses to come here to test and develop their systems.

“It is exciting to see how, as vehicles become smarter, they also become safer. I encourage all drivers to keep safety front of mind no matter what vehicle you are operating.”

ANCAP Chief Executive, Carla Hoorweg said:

The commitment from the NSW Government to expand its local testing capability and on-site expertise is vital to the work ANCAP is doing. 

“The skills, equipment and testing provided by the Future Mobility Testing and Research Centre mean ANCAP can continue to encourage the latest safety features and technologies in new cars, and the recent intersection upgrade and arrival of the new motorcycle test dummy will see new cars rated from this year offer an increased breadth of safety performance.”

Transport for NSW Director of Future Mobility Evan Walker said:

“When we opened in 2019, the facility delivered the first Safety Assist test program for ANCAP in the Southern Hemisphere. Our latest additions will help ANCAP further lift the bar on safety standards for all new vehicles hitting our roads.

"Our vision is for this Australian-leading centre to continue to grow as a world-leading testing and development site for automated and electric vehicle technology. We have worked with industry on a draft Masterplan which outlines how we hope to achieve this.

"The Cudal site plays an important role in the development of these technologies to boost safety and reduce carbon emissions for manufacturers based in the Asia Pacific Region.”


MEDIA: Wendy Fitzgibbon | Minister Aitchison | 0408 427 540