Media release - Rural Road Safety Month sparks calls for change

Media release - Rural Road Safety Month sparks calls for change Main Image

31 August 2023




The NSW Government is urging road users to take action to help everyone make it home safe during Rural Road Safety Month, which starts on Friday, 1 September.

While country residents make up only a third of NSW's population, deaths on rural and regional roads make up around two-thirds of the state's road toll.

Now in its sixth year, Rural Road Safety Month is an Australian Road Safety Foundation awareness initiative supported by Transport for NSW.

Minister for Regional Roads and Transport Jenny Aitchison said this year's theme is be the change you want to see on the road.

"Shockingly, the fatality rate per person of population for country residents is almost five times that for metropolitan residents in NSW,” Minister Aitchison said.

“That's someone's mother, father, brother, sister, husband, wife, children and friend.”

Speeding, drink and drug driving and fatigue remain the leading causes of deaths on NSW roads, Minister Aitchison said.

“Those factors, combined with long distances travelled in rural areas, can and do lead to tragedy.

“Whether you’re a local or a visitor, it’s important to prioritise rest by taking regular breaks, never ever drive if you’re affected by drugs or alcohol, obey speed limits and follow advisory signs.

“More than half of all rural road fatalities occur near curves and bends, so road users should be especially cautious in those areas. Remember too that road and weather conditions can change rapidly, so driving should be adjusted accordingly.

“With the harvest season approaching, expect more heavy vehicles on our roads and trains on our railways. Exercise extra caution near railway crossings and when driving near or behind heavy vehicles as they have longer stopping distances and larger blind spots than typical vehicles.”

To help reduce the road toll in country communities, the Minns Labor Government is delivering a suite of safety upgrades and projects in regional NSW.

"This work includes the delivery of wide centre lines as well as the planning of other targeted infrastructure upgrades – such as safety barriers, rumble strips and shoulder widening – at high-risk locations,” Minister Aitchison said.

"By delivering these projects, we are ensuring there is infrastructure in place now and planned for the future, to make everyone’s journey on regional roads safer."

For more information and resources please visit-

MEDIA: Ryan Young | Minister Aitchison | 0477 608 886