Media Release - 'RETURN & EARN' Smoke And Mirrors

28 February 2018

It’s now been almost 4 weeks since the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) smoke and mirror promise that a reverse vending machine (RVM) would be installed in the Maitland electorate in February.

An email was sent to media outlets on January 25 after Member for Maitland, Ms Jenny Aitchison was quoted on radio raising concerns that Maitland’s sole remaining Over the Counter Container Deposit Collection Point at Woodberry had closed.

Today is the last day in February and the EPA have failed to fulfil their promise to the residents of Maitland.

Many electorates have multiple RVM’s while Maitland remains without a single machine, it’s simply not good enough Minister.

How long will the Premier keep this failed Environment Minister in charge of this botched poorly planned Return and Churn scheme?

How long will the Minister for Environment and Premier continue to ignore the Maitland community needs?

It’s great to see that the donation station at Service NSW East Maitland is finally operational but it’s little comfort for locals who are paying more to buy their drinks, but don’t have a local reverse vending machine to collect their refund.

The ‘Return and Earn’ scheme roll-out by the Berejiklian Government has been nothing short of a botched cost impost on our community which has left people out of pocket.

The Minister needs to immediately inform the Maitland community how long we are going to be paying more without the ability to obtain a fast, convenient refund from a machine.