Media Release - NSW Labor launch 'It's Time for Action' campaign

21 February 2017

Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Jenny Aitchison, Shadow Minister for Women, Sophie Cotsis and Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen have today launched NSW Labor’s ‘It’s Time for Action’ campaign.
In 2016, the National Union of Students released a report indicating that 72% of students had experienced sexual harassment, sexual assault, unwelcome sexual behaviour, stalking or rape.
94% of students who experienced sexual assault, harassment or violence didn’t report the incident and, of those who did, an overwhelming majority were dissatisfied with the outcome.
NSW Labor is working hard to end sexual assault on campus. Petitions calling for more action in stopping sexual assault have been distributed to university campuses and student organisations right across the state. Once 10,000 signatures are collected on this petition the issue can debated in NSW Parliament.
NSW Labor is working to end sexual assault on campus. Ms Aitchison gave notice of a motion calling on the Government to deliver the Sexual Assault strategy which it promised in 2015 and to ensure it addressed sexual assault on university and TAFE campuses.
Women on campuses across NSW are calling for a three-pronged approach:
• Mandatory consent training for staff and residents of residential colleges
• A standard sexual assault reporting model that recognises the rule of law
• Specialised services for victims of sexual assault on campus.
Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, Jenny Aitchison
“We all need to work towards stopping sexual assault on campus. It’s crucial that the Berejiklian Barilaro Government deliver the sexual assault strategy to properly prevent and address sexual assault, wherever it happens.”
“The Government needs to ensure that victims of rape and sexual assault are dealt with in the most dignified way possible and that all institutions operating in NSW have clear and appropriate methods for dealing with sexual assault.”
Quotes attributable to Shadow Minister for Women, Sophie Cotsis
"We need to make sure that all young women have a positive experience of university life."
"Universities seem to have no problem with dealing with misconduct when it comes to plagiarism, however when it comes to sexual violence against women, they seem to be floundering."
Quotes attributable to Shadow Parliamentary Secretary and Member for Summer Hill, Jo Haylen
“As students go back to university this week, we must commit to ending sexual assault and harassment on our campuses.
“Local students have spoken to me about the lack of support they felt after falling victim to unwanted advances, harassment, stalking and abuse. Students and parents are asking for very little – campuses free of sexual harassment and assault.
“We still have the ridiculous situation where the NSW Government has failed to act on requests to clean up residential college culture at St. John’s. What we need now is action, not more deliberation and delay.”