Media Release - Maitland To Suffer More Job Losses As Revenue Axes Positions And Government Centralises Public Services

04 May 2018

More Maitland public sector workers at the Office of State Revenue are set to lose their jobs after the NSW Berejiklian Government announced it will be axing another 34 staff from the Maitland office.

Member for Maitland, Jenny Aitchison, strongly criticised the decision to target the Maitland electorate, after she led a campaign with the Public Service Association last year which saw 25 saved out of some 65 jobs slated for cuts by the Berejiklian Barilaro Liberal National Government.

Ms Aitchison has voiced her concerns to the Hon. Victor Dominello MP, Minister for Finance, Services and Property, saying that she will fight the cuts that will see some 74 people in Maitland potentially lose their jobs or be transferred to Gosford.

Maitland cannot afford to lose any more jobs from the public sectors, particularly as construction of the Stockland Greenhills shopping complex nears completion and the NSW Government continues to drag its feet on the delivery of the new Lower Hunter Maitland Hospital.

This latest round of public sector cuts in Maitland compounds the $2.6 million already ripped from Maitland’s economy by the NSW Government since taking office.

Comments attributable to Jenny Aitchison MP, Member for Maitland
“In the last three years, this Government has sought to rip well over 100 public sector jobs out of Maitland. We’ve lost workers from a number of agencies including Crown Lands, Family and Community Services, Community Health and the Office of State Revenue.”

“Maitland’s Levee Small Businesses will be hit doubly hard by the loss of another 34 jobs as public service positions continue to be siphoned away from our community electorate.”
“By Christmas 2018, this Minister will have stolen 74 jobs out of the central business district in my community.”
“The government is once again displaying its lack of concern for preserving and creating jobs in regional areas.”