Media Release - Maitland's Road Safety Jeopardised By Berejiklian Government's Neglect

23 January 2019

Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison has called upon the NSW Premier to explain yet another report highlighting her Government’s dangerous neglect of Maitland’s roads.
The NRMA’s Funding Local Roads Report showed a State-wide road infrastructure backlog of $2.2 billion – the same amount the wasteful stadium knock-down and rebuild is costing NSW taxpayers.
Maitland has the largest backlog of infrastructure works in the Hunter, totalling $64.3 million or more than 13 times the size of Maitland City Council’s recurrent road grant funding. Maitland is the fastest growing city outside Sydney, with more than 15% growth in the last census period.
Under the Liberals and Nationals, Maitland’s roads deficit has continued to climb with a 14.5 percent increase over the previous 12 month period.
A Daley Labor Government will review the classification of a number of roads to assist local councils with the financial burden of managing the vast road networks in regional areas.
The former State Labor Government contributed $200 million to Federal Labor’s $1.7 billion Hunter Expressway. In addition, Labor constructed significant road projects including the Third Hunter River Crossing, the Thornton Rail Bridge, the Weakley’s Drive Overpass and the Metford Rail Underpass.
After 8 long years the Liberals and Nationals have failed to deliver on their commitment to duplicate the New England Highway between Racecourse Road and Anambah Road, raise Testers Hollow, or address congestion at their failed one way overpass at Maitland Railway Station Roundabout on the New England Highway.
Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison undertook a road safety survey in Maitland in December with around 60% of respondents identifying the Maitland Railway Station Roundabout on the New England Highway as a major traffic concern for residents. It has been plagued by congestion and failures since it opened just over two years ago. The road had to be retarred and line marking redone after significant glare was impacting on driver safety, and large metal plates had to be removed due to damaging people’s cars.
It is understood that RMS is consulting with Maitland City Council about installing lights at the roundabout, and potentially changing traffic routes in Maitland Park, but the Government has yet to announce their final plans for the intersection.
Quotes attributable to Member for Maitland Jenny Aitchison;
“I will continue to advocate for roads maintenance and upgrades in Maitland. People responding to my recent survey highlighted that our community is very dissatisfied with the Liberals and Nationals ignoring our road infrastructure needs over the last eight years and their failed overpass at the roundabout on the New England Highway at the Maitland station.”
“The Government must fast track a fix to the Maitland Railway Station Roundabout congestion, and complete the upgrade to Testers Hollow as a matter of extreme priority. It is four years since we saw Testers Hollow cut off the community at Gillieston Heights and the Government has failed to complete the raising of the road.”
“The Berejiklian Barilaro Liberals and Nationals $2.2 billion splurge on Sydney stadiums highlights a Government which is out of touch with Regional NSW.”
“NSW Labor will put people first and review the classification of NSW roads to ensure those in our regional areas will get home safely.”