Media Release - Labor Will Build a New Primary School and a New High School in Maitland

27 February 2019

NSW Labor Leader, Michael Daley, has today re-committed to build a new primary and high school in Maitland, if Labor is elected in March.
Mr Daley made the pledge in Maitland with Shadow Minister for Small Business and the Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault and local member, Jenny Aitchison, today.
There have not been any new public schools built in Maitland since Labor was in government.
Population growth in Maitland between 2011 and 2016 (15 per cent) was almost double that across the rest of the state (8 per cent) and even higher than Greater Sydney (10 per cent).
Mr Daley said: “Maitland is the fastest growing regional area outside of Sydney. New schools are needed to keep up with population growth.”
A Daley Labor Government will follow through with Labor’s 2015 commitment to build two new schools.
Ms Aitchison said: “Our schools are at capacity. It’s appalling that this government hasn’t built any new schools here when we have the highest number of demountables in the Hunter.”
Labor will continue to put schools and hospitals before Sydney stadiums, unlike the Liberals and Nationals.
This builds on Labor’s previous education commitments, including to:
- Replace 1,000 ageing demountables across the state
- Make TAFE free for courses in skill shortage areas
- Ensure every child can learn a second language
- Allocate $5,000 to P&Cs
- Give free glasses to disadvantaged school kids
- Air condition every school in NSW